On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) called for a nationwide ban on the use of cell phones and text messaging devices while driving. With over a decade of investigations, the group found that as mobile devices become cheaper and more powerful, the problem of distracted driving has also increased. Right now, 9 states ban the use of hand held phones, and 35 states ban texting while driving, but the NTSB is urging states to go one step further. They have recommended that every state adopt a law that will stop the use of hands free devices as well. According to Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the NTSB, “Our safety concerns are not just about drivers keeping their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, but it is also about keeping people focused on the act of driving.”

The Alliance for Automobile Manufacturers, agrees that the problem of driving while distracted needs to be addressed, but it also defends integrated systems that allow drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road while sill staying connected. “Consumers have come to expect 24/7 connectivity, changing and enforcing that could be difficult.” The complete ban on phone use by drivers would also impact many car makers who offer integrated hands-free and voice-activated systems.

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