If you have received a recall notice for the brakes on your new 2010 Toyota Prius, you will be happy to know the fix is a quick one. As a matter of fact, you will probably have your car back in thirty minutes, and even though the problem is with the brakes, you will not need a mechanic to fix it. That’s because the problem is with a software glitch and the solution is as easy as fixing a security flaw in Microsoft windows.

Most modern cars are run on computers these days which eliminates the need for a mechanical connection. For many people, that’s not a comforting thought. We don’t like the thought of computers running our cars because software experiences glitches. Each year, cars get more complicated, some having over forty microprocessors in them. Although these microprocessors make it more difficult for you to work on your own car, some of them actually make your car easier to service.

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